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February 2024

Lesaffre has been commercially active in Indonesia for over 40 years. Lesaffre’s first Indonesian subsidiary, PT Saf Indonusa; incorporated in 2000 employs more than 130 employees today through its baking ingredients blending plant in Surabaya, Jakarta head office and four Baking Center™ and sales offices in Jakarta, Medan, Semarang and Surabaya.

November 2022

Lesaffre Australia Pacific, a subsidiary of Lesaffre, inaugurates two new facilities: a Molasses Extract Plant (MEP) on its production site in Melbourne and enhancements to the existing Baking Center™ in Mortlake Sydney on 16 November 2022.

December 2019

Bread has been a staple food in cuisines all around the globe for thousands of years. The art of bread baking is a balance of ingredients, science, patience and artisanal skills. The ingredients, cooking methods and ovens vary, resulting in a huge range of bread products which are devoured daily in all cultures. Lesaffre offers a range of solutions and expertise to bakers to perfect their artisanal bread for consumers.

November 2019

Fermentation is an essential process when making dough, helping make foods such as bread and bakery items easier to digest, more nutritious and it also adds wonderful flavour. Baking yeast is used to leaven, develop and give flavour to dough. It is available in different forms, and choosing which one to use will depend on baking requirements and storage facilities.

October 2019

Yeast is a tiny, fragile living microorganism which has an exceptional role in baking. But which yeast do you use to bake the best products in your business? That depends on your kitchen and storage facilities and your baking requirements. Here are some basic insights into this amazing product, to help you determine which type of yeast will rise to the occasion for your baking needs.

June 2019

Consumers’ expectations regarding taste, however, vary from generation to generation, and culture to culture. How to understand and define this complex notion, one that varies depending upon the era, the area of the world and the way individuals convey their perceptions in words? This article takes a look at the reasons for taste in breadmaking and the various interpretations thereof.

May 2019

Two major technical factors that are responsible for obtaining volume in bakery goods are efficient CO² production and a gluten network strong enough to retain the gases. However, there are other factors aside from these pre-requisites, that warrant further development in bread making: a higher tolerance to excessive fermentation and the dough’s capacity to withstand the various stresses inherent in processes such as controlled proofing and freezing.

April 2019

The preparation of a primary levain depends upon the spontaneous fermentation at work in a mixture of flour and water that is regularly refreshed to maintain the bacteria and yeast metabolism. This semi-continuous contribution of new nutrients (water, sugars, etc.) helps to gradually establish the sourdough’s microbial ecosystem, closely linked, therefore, to the sourdough’s implementation. The primary or chef levain is used to make an all-round sourdough, which is used to culture bread dough. The “all-round” sourdough will then be used as a fermenting agent in bread dough.

January 2019

Three potential growth areas in the APAC food and beverage industry include the organic food market in India, the Halal market in Japan, and bread consumption in South East Asia (SEA). Consumption of bread and pizza is expected to rise due to urbanisation, higher buying power, increased international travel, and the adoption of western diets. According to Lesaffre, bread consumption is expected to grow annually by 5 – 6% across SEA markets, highlighting the impact of the vast population on bread consumption. Separately, the positive environment in India has led to optimism among organic food manufacturers as the Indian organic market is expected to reach up to US$1.7 billion within the next two years. Lastly, the demand for halal and processed food products will be driven by the 2020 Tokyo Olympics as food firms are starting to explore collaboration opportunities to produce halal food products ahead of the sporting event. Joergen Lundgaard, Managing Director, Lesaffre Asia Pacific,shares his thoughts about emerging trends in yeast and bakery for Asia Pacific that are expected to continue gaining traction in 2019. Read more here: https://bit.ly/2CN6bSL

September 2018

Softness in breadmaking is a complex notion, for which there is no single definition or measurement criterion. Several components of texture help to indirectly define softness: suppleness, tenderness, doughiness, elasticity, and more. The ingredients and type of breadmaking process used play a key role in developing optimum softness, however, softness may be improved by adding functional ingredients or sourdoughs, which also help to delay staling.

June 2018

Sensory analysis is an essential tool for industrial, in-store and craft bakeries. But it’s not always easy to match the descriptions of consumers for the breads, croissants and baguettes they love with the technical, exacting terms bakery experts need to refine recipes and techniques.